Ecovia: Stop the violence
This is the creative advertisement released by an advertising agency known as Terremoto Propaganda, Curitiba, Brazil. The reason why this poster looks creative for me because the concept of this advertisement is unique and looks new. This is Ecovia campaign advertisement which they are trying to convey a good awareness message to the public. For me, the concept of this advertisement is creative because they showed the car is stronger than the motorcycle and must overtake them with care. The visual that someone punches the men forcefully is creating the exact meaning of the text was placed on the advertisement "stop the violence" and "overtake with care". This advertisement has enough created awareness by just looking at the visual and text. Besides that, I also impressed with the concept that the car was placed at the hand that punched the face forcefully which simplifies the car could cause danger to the motorcycle if not overtake with the care. I also impressed with the way they equalized the hand punch the face forcefully and the car bang the motorcycle as violence.
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